Basic Blockchain: What It Is and How It Will Transform the Way We Work and Live - Дэвид Шрир: купить книгу в (арт. 2100014716)

Basic Blockchain: What It Is and How It Will Transform the Way We Work and Live

Код: 2100014716
Купить Basic Blockchain: What It Is and How It Will Transform the Way We Work and Live Дэвид Шрир
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Автор Дэвид Шрир
Издательство LittleBrown
Cтраниц 192
Год 2020
ISBN 978-147-214-483-6
Обложка мягкая
Язык Английский
Формат 60х90/16 (155x215 мм.)

О книге Basic Blockchain: What It Is and How It Will Transform the Way We Work and Live

A revolution is under way across the globe, yet very few people understand it. Basic Blockchain will explain everything you need to know to understand the technology that will soon disrupt and revolutionise everything from financial and health services to the property market and how we vote.

Born of an obscure body of research on game theory developed by NASA, originally championed by drug dealers seeking to launder ill-gotten gains, accelerated by entrepreneurs seeking to improve financial access for the poor, funded by giant corporate interests attracted to the potential for billions of dollars of cost savings, blockchain heralds a new era of financial inclusion, legal inclusion for the dispossessed and lower prices for consumers. In short, it will enact radical change on our lives.

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