Alibabas World: How a remarkable Chinese company is changing the face of global business - Портер Эрисман: купить книгу в (арт. 2100011089)

Alibabas World: How a remarkable Chinese company is changing the face of global business

Код: 2100011089
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Автор Портер Эрисман
Издательство Pan Macmillan
Cтраниц 266
Год 2018
ISBN 978-144-729-066-7
Обложка мягкая
Язык Английский
Формат 84х108/32 (130х200 мм.)

О книге Alibabas World: How a remarkable Chinese company is changing the face of global business

You can buy this book in russian translation, book title "Вселенная Как китайская интернет-компания завоевала мир."

In September 2014, a Chinese company that most Americans had never heard of held the largest IPO in history – bigger than Google, Facebook and Twitter combined. Alibaba, now the worlds largest e-commerce company, mostly escaped Western notice for over ten years, while building a customer base more than twice the size of Amazons, and handling the bulk of e-commerce transactions in China. How did it happen? And what was it like to be along for such a revolutionary ride?

In Alibabas World, author Porter Erisman, one of Alibabas first Western employees and its head of international marketing from 2000 to 2008, shows how Jack Ma, a Chinese schoolteacher who twice failed his college entrance exams, rose from obscurity to found Alibaba and lead it from struggling startup to the worlds most dominant e-commerce player. He shares stories of weathering the dotcom crash, facing down eBay and Google, negotiating with the unpredictable Chinese government, and enduring the misguided advice of foreign experts, all to build the behemoth thats poised to sweep the ecommerce world today. And he analyzes Alibabas role as a harbinger of the new global business landscape―with its focus on the East rather than the West, emerging markets over developed ones, and the nimble entrepreneur over the industry titan. As we face this near future, the story of Alibaba―and its inevitable descendants―is both essential and instructive.

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