The Household

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Автор Стейси Холлс
Издательство Bonnier Books UK
Cтраниц 400
Год 2024
ISBN 978-183-877-848-4
Обложка твердая
Язык Английский
Формат 84х108/32 (130х200 мм.)

О книге The Household

From the Sunday Times bestseller and winner of the Womens Prize Futures Award, the captivating, highly anticipated new novel, inspired by real historical figures and events.

In a quiet house in the countryside outside London, the finishing touches are being made to welcome a group of young women. The house and its location are top secret, its residents unknown to one another, but the girls have one thing in they are fallen. Offering refuge for prostitutes, petty thieves and the destitute, Urania Cottage is a second chance at life - but how badly do they want it?

Meanwhile, a few miles away in a Piccadilly mansion, millionairess Angela Burdett-Coutts, one of the benefactors of Urania Cottage, makes a discovery that leaves her her stalker of 10 years has been released from prison . . .

As the womens worlds collide in ways they could never have expected, they will discover that freedom always comes at a price . . . м The Household is the new novel from the award-winning, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Familiars , The Foundling and Mrs England. Set against Charles Dickens home for fallen women and inspired by real figures from history, it is Stacey Halls most ambitious and compelling novel yet.

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