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Complaint Management Excellence: Creating Customer Loyalty through Service Recovery

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Издательство Kogan Page
Cтраниц 208
Год 2012
ISBN 9780749465308
Обложка мягкая
Язык Английский
Формат 70х100/16 (170х240 мм.)

О книге Complaint Management Excellence: Creating Customer Loyalty through Service Recovery

Across the global economy, customers expectations are continually rising but many companies fail to deliver against those expectations. With the rise in social media, customers are becoming more vocal in expressing any dissatisfaction, which can both lose existing customers and alienate potential new ones.

Consultant Sarah Cook provides practical advice, tools and techniques for managers to manage any complaints that come into their organization. Being able to properly handle customers complaints and needs will improve the long term prospects for a company and can have a tremendous additional effect in terms of boosting employee morale.

Including case studies from several international companies, Complaint Management Excellence explains what customers are really looking for when they make a complaint, how to avoid conflict and how managers can lead the change to ensure the best experience for all.

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