The Smarts: Big Little Hacks to Take You a Long Way at Work

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Автор Садж Джетха
Издательство Vermilion
Cтраниц 120
Год 2019
ISBN 9781785042454
Обложка мягкая
Язык Английский
Формат 70x75/16 (170х178 мм.)

О книге The Smarts: Big Little Hacks to Take You a Long Way at Work

Saj Jetha – economist and founder of multi-award winning training and talent advisory The Smarty Train – has distilled everything he knows about work success in this witty, irreverent collection of smart hacks. Having helped tens of thousands of people at major corporations worldwide like Accenture, EY, BP, HSBC and Expedia, Saj reveals his secrets for gaining a professional edge in the new working world.

You’ve heard the dry, pointless mantras about ‘working hard’, ‘being punctual’ and ‘dressing appropriately’; now discover the hacks that will make a real difference to your career, like why it’s best to have a difficult conversation with your boss after lunch, what to do when you’re stuck for something to say, and how to own a screw up. Easy-to-remember, beautifully designed and jargon-free, The Smarts covers everything from the basic (nailing first impressions) to the profound (getting to know how your brain works).

Whether you’re an intern, are moving to the next challenge in your career, or are the CEO, The Smarts offers indispensable advice that’s all about unlocking your talent; doing, thinking and feeling in the smartest possible way.

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