Комплект книг "Wonderful Ukraine"

Код: 2100023206
Купити Комплект книг "Wonderful Ukraine" Ірина Тараненко, Любов Семенова, Лія Вілсон, Юлія Курова
2565 грн
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Автор Ірина Тараненко, Любов Семенова, Лія Вілсон, Юлія Курова
Видавництво Книголав
Сторінок 192
Рік 2023
ISBN 978-617-7563-64-7, 978-617-8012-99-1
Обкладинка тверда
Мова Англійська
Формат 60х90/16 (145х215 мм.)

Про книгу Комплект книг "Wonderful Ukraine"

У комплект входять книги:
Книга подорожей. Україна
Книга-мандрівка. Незалежні (англ.)
Unconquered. The big book og bravery

(Ціна комплекту нижче суми ціни кожної з книг окремо)

You can buy these books in ukrainian translation, book title"Комплект книг "Дивовижна Україна"".

"TravelBook. Ukraine"
Ілюстративне видання про Україну від креативної агенції Green Penguin Media та видавництва #книголав виходить англійською. Тепер іноземна аудиторія відкриє для себе історичні факти, непересічних особистостей та інвестиційний потенціал країни.
«Книга-мандрівка. Україна» це 30 авторських карт та 1200 непересічних фактів про Україну, про які не напишуть в підручниках.
Авторки проекту розповіли про найцікавіші природні дива, культурні артефакти, промислові об’єкти та видатних особистостей України.
Факти у книжці подано в едьютеймент-форматі, який поєднав у собі елементи навчання, розваг та навіть гумору. «Ми хотіли, щоб читач не лише запам’ятав усі ці факти, але й отримав стимул продовжувати інформаційні пошуки. Кожен з фактів – це завжди тільки одне речення, в якому не просто сказано найголовніше, але й заховано інтригу, щоб заохотити кожного пізнавати Україну надалі», – зазначають авторки видання.
"Travelbook. Independent"
When was Ukraine born? Some would say in 1991, when Ukraine declared independence, and some discovered it in 2014, during the Revolution of Dignity, but in 2022, no one in the world has not heard of Ukraines resistance. But our countrys history began much earlier - more than a thousand years ago.
In the 9th century, the Kyivan state was one of the most powerful countries in Eastern Europe. Kings from France to Sweden wanted to be related to their princes and kings. Rus-Ukraine rulers had already founded Kyiv, became Christian, and built St. Sophias Cathedral, while Moscow was still coming out of the swamp.
And no matter how hard you look, the first mention of Moscow is dated only in 1172, while Kyiv was founded in 482.
Nevertheless, the Russian Empire wanted some glory of its own, so it tried to steal the great Kyivan state. Peter the Great, Catherine II, Stalin, and Putin have invented thousands of myths about Kyivan Rus as the first Russian state, and started to see Russians to be the heirs of Rus culture. Forgetting that Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolgorukiy. who happened to be the son of Volodymyr Monomakh, Grand Prince of Kyiv. The historian Mykhailo Hrushevskyi once said, "We are the people whose name was stolen". And in the 31st year of its independence, Ukraines future under threat to be stolen as well. Nevertheless, Ukrainians made their choice a long time ago and have been forced to prove it with blood, defending each square metre of our land.
We invite you on an amazing journey through our years of independence. its galaxies of talent, and the hard and winding path that made us unique and made us the heroes of the free world.
"Unconquered. The big book og bravery"
The story of bravery told in this book is not yet complete. It is written every day with blood and sweat on the battlefields of the war launched by the largest nuclear power, Russia, against its smaller neighbour, Ukraine, which voluntarily gave up its nuclear arsenal almost 30 years ago in the name of peace.
Why did Russia attack Ukraine? Who are the Ukrainians? Why dont they give up? Why is it cheaper for taxpayers who are thousands of kilometres away from the war to help Ukraine than to spend this money on other urgent needs? How did a local war in Europe affect the stability of the whole world, and why does the security of each state depend on its results?
"Unconquered: The Big Book of Bravery" answers all these questions and more about Ukraine, Russia, and the modern world, which may lose everything it has taken such a long time to gain. 550 facts about the course and consequences of the year of the bloodiest war since the Second World War. A short and simple form of presentation, dynamic illustrations, and subtle humour: the format is designed for a wide audience of readers, who want to understand what is really happening in Ukraine and why not just the fate of one state on the eastern border of the European Union, but also the future of the world order, is at stake.

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