Tesla: The Man, the Inventor and the Age of Electricity

Код: 2100014741
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Автор Річард Гундерман
Видавництво Welbeck Publishing Group
Сторінок 160
Рік 2019
ISBN 978-023-300-576-8
Обкладинка тверда
Мова Англійська
Формат 60х90/16 (145х215 мм.)

Про книгу Tesla: The Man, the Inventor and the Age of Electricity

From X-ray to radar, to the Tesla Coil, radio, and remote control, this illustrated biography reveals the development of Tesla’s key theories and inventions.

Known as the father of modern electricity, Nikola Tesla’s work transformed the world. Devoted to discovery, the scientist and engineer registered more than 700 patents in his lifetime, from X-ray to radar, to the Tesla Coil, radio, and remote control.

This illustrated biography follows the development of Tesla’s key theories and inventions, shining a light on an eccentric man who, ultimately, led a life of solitude and penury despite contributing so much to modern civilization.

Featuring more than 150 rare and beautifully reproduced photographs plus documents from his archives, Tesla is a comprehensive portrait of an ever-questioning mind.

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Скотт Пілігрим. Том 1 ...
Браян Лі О’Меллі
Апокаліпсиса не буде ...
Майкл Шелленбергер
Суничники ...
Яна Хоменко,Юрій Сосницький
Дивовижний Всесвіт ...
Кароліна Бонковська
Піщані черви Дюни ...
Брайан Герберт,Кевін Андерсон

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