Six Billion Shoppers: The Companies Winning the Global E-Commerce Boom

Код: 2100011103
Купити Six Billion Shoppers: The Companies Winning the Global E-Commerce Boom Портер Ерісман
492 грн
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БЕЗКОШТОВНА при вартості замовлення від 990 грн
50 грн Укрпошта на відділення
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95 грн доставка кур'єром

Готівкою або на термінал при отриманні, Безготівкова, Visa/MasterCard
Автор Портер Ерісман
Видавництво Pan Macmillan
Сторінок 256
Рік 2016
ISBN 978-150-987-477-4
Обкладинка м'яка
Мова Англійська
Формат 84х108/32 (130х200 мм.)

Про книгу Six Billion Shoppers: The Companies Winning the Global E-Commerce Boom

From China to India to Nigeria, e-commerce is entering a golden era in countries that were long left out of the e-commerce gold rush experienced in the West. If the story of the first twenty years of e-commerce’s growth was set in developed markets, the story of the next twenty years will be set in emerging ones. The rise of e-commerce in emerging markets is being driven by three major trends: widespread internet adoption, a rising middle class, and, most importantly, innovative new business models that serve the needs of local customers better than the models used by western e-commerce giants.

Six Billion Shoppers takes readers on an exciting and colorful journey around the world to visit the next e-commerce mega markets and explore how a new e-commerce boom is opening opportunities for entrepreneurs and global brands alike. Traveling through Nigeria, China, India, Southeast Asia, and Latin America, Porter Erisman addresses e-commerce across these new markets and what it means for western brands. He argues that e-commerce in developing countries is revolutionary and will play a much larger role in emerging markets than in the West. With e-commerce in emerging markets entering a rapid period of expansion, Six Billion Shoppers explains how to seize the massive opportunity created by emerging market consumers and provides practical advice on how to ride this new business trend.

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